Monday, October 1, 2007

Animal Collective lastnight!

So last night, there were even more shows. Animal Collective was playing at Webster Hall with Vampire Weekend, so i dragged my lovely friend Djuna Bel out for the trip. We skipped Vampire Weekend cuz I've seen them before and Djuna was eating Nachos. The last time I saw VW they were o.k but a little bland in my not so humble opinion. Djuna and I walked in right when AC kicked off with "Peace Bone" it was fucking awesome. I really was blown away, the lights were amazing and the sound was nIce nice nice. There set up was interesting Decon was missing and Panda Bear and Geologist were only playing samplers and tweaking various machines, while Avey Tare sang and fucked with a synth. The show pretty much moved at this pace of awesomeness...until.. Avey Tare ended "Fireworks" right in the middle of the song cuz he said the stage sound was too bass-y and he couldn't hear shit. Fuck that. It's not about you dude, it's about us cuz we paid money homeboy to see you play music and guess what, ending in the middle of songs is not playin' music. And judging from the Bronx cheer everyone in the crowd was in agreement, they had been waitin' on the song so they were not pleased when they didn't restart it. We got over it, i guess(actually i wasn't that pissed cuz i knew I was going to see them the next day)....until... they end the show with no encore. The whole crowd started booing, again. Animal Collective getting booed, nice. Anyhoo, the merch table was packed at the end of the show. I got a shirt. And I'm even going to the second show tonight. Hopefully they got the kinks out. Here is what it looked like. LUVIT!

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