Monday, October 15, 2007

The Comateens - "Ghost"

So for the past few years people have been tryin to really get down with the 80's. This is great and all but most of the DJ's and kids only get half the story. While focusing on Interpol's bringing of Joy Division back into the light, they seem to miss out on a lot of the new wave bands that were killin' it from the clubs(new wave) to the cardboard(breakin'.) One of my favorite bands from back in the day was a new wave band from New York City called The Comateens. The Comateens had the look and the sound down pat. They completely embodied New York City New Wave in my opinion. And don't get it twisted they weren't some obscure band, they were on Virgin, Polygram records. Although some of their cuts were questionable, they had some classics like "Ghost." Here is the vid, from 1981, for The Comateens - "Ghost." LUVIT!

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