Sunday, October 21, 2007

CMJ - No Age - "Boy Void"

So check it, my friend Jane tells me about this band a few months back called No Age. I peeped them on myspace and thought it was o.k and I had planned on giving it a second glance but never did. Anyhoo CMJ rolls around and I get to check em with White Williams, Deerhunter and Dan Deacon. Jane was there, of course, and she loved/loves No Age. Bbbbuuuuttttt me? I'm still not feelin' them. I have seen/heard this type of band a million times over, which is fine they rock and all, but I just didn't like the vocals they were a bit winy in an emo meets post punk type of way(they sound better on record.) I did however like the last song they played which incidentally the guitar player sang not the singer/drummer. Here is No Age - "Boy Void" LUVIT?

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